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Dopuna računa preko SMS
Kako registrovati Neteller račun u samo par koraka
Contact our customer service for all issues you might have with Skrill. Our team will help you regardless of the problem.
After you log in at Meridianbet, choose My Account option and after that Section Deposit / Withdrawal.
Postupak: Kako uplatiti depozit putem Netellera
Kliker vaučer možete kupiti na više od 3700 prodajnih mjesta širom BIH!
Postupak uplate na meridianbet nalog putem Klikera
Na jednom od mnogobrojnih prodajnih mjesta kupite Kliker vaučer u željenom iznosu
Ne treba ti račun u banci da bi uplatio depozit u Meridianu - sada je tu Kliker!
Send us an image of the payment slip or an image of the payment order if you have paid using e-banking to [email protected] for us to pay the funds to your account immediately.
No, the funds paid to the site can be used for sports betting, virtual betting, KENO, free bets or casino.
All your transactions are visible within the My Account option on the left, within Transactions
Money can be deposited in several ways:
The deposit can be paid in using the option My Account, in the left side option Pay-in/Payout
Jednostavno, u par klikova!
There are several ways to deposit money